Waiatarua, Auckland – Micropile and soil nail system
Client: Private
Location: Waiatarua, Auckland
The Project
This beautiful home, located in Waiatarua, on the eastern side of the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park experienced damage to the deck following a heavy rainstorm event. Soil creep occurred within the near surface soils, causing the deck to move and subside.
Our role
We were engaged to complete a geotechnical assessment which included a site investigation, quantitative slope stability assessment and options assessment for the site. We were later engaged to design the micro piles that would be used to support new post foundations below the deck and a soil nail system to provide lateral support to top of the micro piles and slope below.
We worked closely with a local structural engineer who designed the concrete bond beam that connected the new deck posts to the head of the micro piles.
The Results
Construction was complete at the end of 2024 with the deck successfully repaired and the soil nail system installed. We specified Mac Mat R netting to provide additional resilience to erosion of the near surface soils, and allow for the area to be replanted with native shrubs.